
Drive by entertainment &

Orlando jones

Old Hillside Bourbon Company is happy to announce our partnership with Drive by Entertainment and Orlando Jones.

On October 29, 2023, Old Hillside Bourbon officially kicked off a 6-month sponsorship campaign with the Orlando Jones Halloween Comedy Show and live recording at Goodnights Comedy Club in Raleigh, North Carolina. The rebroadcast will include global distribution and recognition in multiple countries including the Netherlands.

Press Release

Purple Heart Rye Whiskey

Limited Release

We are proud to announce the forthcoming release of a special Purple Heart Rye Whiskey, with a tribute to two local heroes: Sergeant Nathan Jakubisin of the United States Marine Corps and Sergeant Derek Drew of the United States Army. This heartfelt recognition is a testament to their exceptional service and sacrifice.

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Celebrating with our

Celebrity Circle

Cheers to the celebrities, talent and influencers that have embraced the spirit of friendship with us.


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